Merry Christmas!

Mark and I are in Iowa with his family celebrating the birth of our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ!  His family does a lot more Christmas-y things than my family, so I’ve been enjoying all the Christmas sweets-making and eating, gift wrapping and opening, and I’m now looking forward to a delicious Christmas meal with them.  The amount of gifts under the tree was astounding to me, and it sure was fun watching all the kids tearing apart the gift wrapping in uncontainable anticipation!

We wanted to take this time to wish all our friends out there a merry Christmas and happy New Year!  Let’s take this time to ponder the amazing grace of God in sending His Son, Jesus, to live a sinless life and to die a sinner’s death on the cross so that we who believe might live and be reconciled to God the Father. 

We also want to share with you a big change in our life coming up soon.  Before coming to Iowa this week we packed up our things and moved out of our apartment in DC.  In mid-January we will be moving to Central Asia! We are excited to start our new life there learning the language, meeting people, and working in an administrative capacity.  If you would like to hear from us regularly about our time there, please let us know. 

Our next stop is Vancouver and Seattle with my family.  We are looking forward to spending time with them, and I hope some Japanese food and hot pot  are on the menu.